Yamaha SK 10 Symphonic Ensemble Analog Synthesizer

The instrument

The SK 10 was the first synthesiser in Yamaha's SK series. In the following years, the SK 15, SK 20, SK 30 and SK 50 synthesisers also came onto the market. The SK10 is an analog ensemble synthesizer with organ, string, and brass sections. It has vibrato with variable speed and depth, an ensemble switch, an octave transpose switch, and a brilliance control.


The SK-10 is a compact 49-key symphonic ensemble that actually covers a full five octaves using an octave transpose switch. In addition, the keyboard offers eight-note polyphonic capability. Sound sections include organ with 8', 4' and 2' stop levers; strings with 8' and 4' stop levers. All these sections can be mixed to create virtually any tonal combination. The organ, strings and brass sections each have an independendent ensemble switch which create a multi-instrument effect. Other effects include vibrato and selectable attack and sustain times. (Source: Yamaha Manual)