Philips Philicorda GM760/00Z Electronic Organ

Philips Philicorda GM760/00Z Electronic Organ

The instrument

Philips brought two-manual Philicorda organs onto the market with the 760 series. The first of these, the GM760, technically consisted of two GM753s assembled together. The chord automatics disappeared. 


The sound is generated by a transistor circuit with a tube amplifier. It is equipped with two manuals of 49 keys (C-c3), the foot pedal with 13 keys (C-c0) and the volume pedal. Eight rotary controls are used to adjust the loudspeaker (on/off), repeat length, reverb strength, vibrato intensity, manual combination, manual balance, pedal volume and the balance between the register banks. Rocker switches operate Subbass 16' in the pedal, reverb, vibrato, percussion short/long and repeat. The two stop banks with rocker switches include Flute 8', Principal 8', Bassoon 8', Flute 4', Violin 2' on the left and Flute 8', Trumpet 8', Clarionet 8', Viola 8', Flute 4', Salicet 4', Quinte 2 2/3, Nazard 2 2/3, Flute 2', Mixtur 2' and Piccolo 2' on the right. (Source: MIMO)