A collaboration between the smem and Korso to screen a documentary on the origins of Techno music and its culture, for the first time in Switzerland.
The smem is honored to welcome Dorian Concept again after 4 years ! Back in 2020, our dear friend Oliver had a productive residency where he recorded sounds from the instruments of the collection, resulting in the material for his new album. Come to the Playroom for a relaxed chat about his process and ideas, as well as some exclusive live music of course!
On the 12th of September, the smem will receive a special prize from the Swiss Music Prizes 2024, delivered by the (Swiss) Federal Office of Culture.
Une visite guidée, un atelier musical et une session d'écoute dans le cadre de l’exposition « Motifs, boucles et textures – Papiers peints et musiques répétitives ».
Une visite guidée, un atelier musical et la présentation d'un instrument unique dans le cadre de l’exposition « Motifs, boucles et textures – Papiers peints et musiques répétitives ».
Une visite guidée, un atelier musical et le concert du Synkie dans le cadre de l’exposition « Motifs, boucles et textures – Papiers peints et musiques répétitives ».
The Swiss federal council payed us a visit of the smem to discover the history of electronic music instruments, in theory as well as in practice.
Closing the exhibition with a two-days Colloquium on "Max Richter: Quotations and Cultural Meaning", our last Diffusion (non-)Dominicale with d'incise and Synkie and our closing concert: Plug the Big System (In C) with all of you!
Two listening sessions with Pauline Oliveros and FM3 and our fourth Diffusion Dominical with Bertrand Dubois and Julie Semoroz & Arthur Hnatek
Two listening Session with Emmanuel Göttsching and Rafael Anton Irisarri and the third chapter of our Diffusion Dominicale series with Olga Kokcharova and Dimitri Coppe
Two listening Sessions with Gavin Bryars and Eliane Radigue and our second part of the Diffusion Dominicale series with Plug the Big System and Thierry Simonot
A listening Session with Midori Takada and our first Diffusion Dominicale with Bernhard Zitz and Amand Leyvraz
Third and last day of our birthday celebration week-end with live performances, workshops, a talk, a vernissage and guided tours of the collection. With The Young Gods (CH), Cavisynth (CH) and many more
Second evening of our birthday celebration week-end with live performances from Angelo Repetto, Weith, Photoktet and a talk with Prof. Federico Lazzaro
First evening to start our birthday celebration week-end with live performances from Noémi Büchi, REA, Junee (all CH) and a theremin Workshop w/ Charles Hobbs (US)
A first recap of the current Pro Helvetia residency in the Playroom, with sounds from Bryan's famous Afrorack
For our first collaboration with Pro Helvetia, we are pleased to welcome Afrorack (UG) for a month-long research residency.
An evening on improvisation and philosophy, the philosophy of improvisation and the improvisation of philosophy
A workshop and concert "pedagogical" airs by the professional thereminist and composer Coralie Ehinger and smem's main technician (and theremin builder!) Charles Hobbs