Klemt Echolette -S- NG51 Tube Tape Echo

The instrument

The Echolette -S- NG51 Tube Tape Echo from Klemt, which was sold from 1960 - 1967, was one of the first effects units for music recordings. From 1967 to 1973, the tube device was sold with a new design under the name E51. In the meantime, tube technology had been replaced by semiconductor technology. The NG51 was developed for combination with the Klemt M 40, M 80 and M 100 mixing amplifiers to create vocal systems with up to 6 microphones. However, it was also used for guitars and organs.


Echo reverberation is generated via a DE 299 endless tape loop, three recording heads, two playback heads and one delete head. The number of echoes is limited to a maximum of ten, the reverberation time to a maximum of 3 seconds.
Operating voltages: 110, 130, 150, 220, 240, 250 V, 50-60 Hz
Power: approx. 45 watts
Tubes: 4 x ECC 83, 1 x ECC 82, 1 x EM 84
Diodes and rectifiers: B 300 C 70, 1 x SFD 108, 2 x BA 170
Frequency: 50 - 12,000 Hz - 3 dB
Inputs: 2 x for low-ear to high-ear microphones or pickups for instruments, 1 x for organ, 1 x for recording signal from M 70 - M 150
Remote switching via foot control
(Source: Hans Ohms)