Dynacord Echocord Super 65 Tape Echo

The instrument

The Echocord Super 65 Tape Echo from 1964 is the last device in the Super series with tubes. It was replaced by the Super 75 transistor device in 1968. 


The Echocord Super 65 was designed for operating voltages of 110 - 240 volts. The power consumption is approx. 80 watts, the frequency response 50 - 12,000 Hz, with reverberation 50 - 12,000 Hz. The tube configuration is: 5 x ECC 83, ECC 82, EM 84, the diodes and rectifiers are B 300 / C 70 Si and OA 161. The device has a magnetic tape echo and inputs for 2 microphones and 3 instruments, volume and tone controls for the inputs and 8 switches for the device functions. It can record a total of 30 echoes with a maximum reverb time of 3 seconds. (Source: Hans Ohms)