The instrument
The Crumar EVI is a monophonic analog synthesizer controlled by breath, and styled after a trumpet. It is originally designed by Nyle Steiner of Steiner Parker who produced 200 between 1975 and 1979. It is rebranded by Crumar in 1980 more sophisticated, including voltage-controlled volume, vibrato, portamento, and pitch bend modifications. Approximately 500 Crumar EVI units were sold.
The EWI 1000 Electronic Wind Instrument, a similar controller to the EVI that employs the mechanism and fingering of woodwind instruments, was released by Akai in in 1987.
The EVI features 2 oscillators, 3 waveforms (sawtooth, square, rectangular) selectable and doubled, volume, breath level, resonance, S.E.D. ( Spectral Energy Distribution ),tune controls, 4 switches for wave select, touch modulation and signal output. The breath controller has four playing keys, unique octave shift roller (8 octave), 3 knobs (tune, scale, portamento), 3 adjustments (TM sens, breath zero, sens).