Yamaha PM-700 12-Channel Mixing Console Amplifier

The instrument

The PM-700 is a low impedance 12-channel input, stereo output sound reinforcement mixer. It offers frequency response, low distortion an inaudible noise and crosstalk.


The PM-700 has 12-channel inputs with XLR connectors. Each channel has its individual Fader, Low / Middle / High-EQ, Monitor 1, Monitor 2 and Pan controls and Input level switches. The channels have 6-position switches to change the input attenuation so the full range of the fader controls can be used with varying microphone or instrument sensitivities. The fader controls for Input, master program and monitor master are calibrated in dB attenuation relative to maximum level. In addition the PM-700 has aux in 1 + 2, program L + R sub in, monitor 1 + 2 sub in and from echo inputs. (Yamaha Manual)
