Dynacord Imperator Tube Amplifier

The instrument

The Dynacord Imperator amplifier, released in 1970, was created especially for bassists, but can also be used for organ and guitar. The 2-band control was taken from the Bass King, and the tube circuit of the Eminent II was used for the power amplifier. To enable a voluminous reproduction, a circuit for bass and treble was connected before the input amplifier. It was offered with the powerful D 520 bass speaker.


The Gigant is designed for operating voltages of 110 - 240 volts at 50 Hz and has a power consumption of 260 VA and 70 watts. The tube configuration is ECC 81 and 2 x EL 34, the transistor configuration is 4 x BC 147 B. It is equipped with a preamplifier, tone control and driver stage, phase inverter stage and push-pull B output stage. There are 6 inputs for bass, guitar, organ and rhythm machine and 2 outputs for loudspeakers. (Source: Hans Ohms)