The instrument
The basic Matador appeared about 1972. It shares a lot of traits with the VIP series, has drawbars, Percussion / Repeat, and a Slalom pedal jack. The first 17 notes form the manual bass section. A fully-equipped Matador will have two pedals, one a standard Compact/VIP type pedal with the 3-pin DIN jack, and the other, a similar looking pedal, but with a 1/4" plug, for the Slalom function.
Rhythm: Samba, Bossa Nova, Rhythm Blues, Waltz, Swing, Slow Rock;
Manual Bass: Bass, Attack, On;
Treble: Flute, Brass, Horn, Oboe, Reed, Brilliance;
Accompaniment: Continuous, Automatic;
Percussion: On, Phrasing, Decay, Repeat;
Vibrato: Speed, Delay;
Repeat Speed